Naturally soap and detergent free and properly ph balanced, Espana SILK Natural Protein Enhanced Shampoo deep cleans, conditions and dramatically moisturizes. A special blend of extra Silk Proteins, Vegetable Proteins, Coconut Surfactant and Jojoba Oil provides superior conditioning to accentuate natural gloss and sheen. Don't expect heaps of suds; they actually inhibit the cleaning and moisturizing that hair requires because suds clump hair shafts together. With SILK Natural Protein Shampoo, you'll see the difference as it separates each hair shaft and gives it individual attention to ensure deep cleaning and moisturizing that hair requires. Plus rinsing is a breeze, saving time and water. Great for dogs, cats, horses, all animals and people. Environmentally friendly! (Ready-to-use or up to 15:1 dilution)
"It's a MIRACLE! I must tell you about my brother-in-law who had the worse eczema on his hands I'd ever seen...they were peeling deeply...layers of peeling...cracked...bleeding. We initially tried just your healing conditioner, but then went to your healing shampoo to wash, then used the Antiseptic Topical Spray to get in there deeply and finally used the healing conditioner as the top coat. HIS HANDS NOW LOOK NORMAL...IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! He had been to local doctors and had been put on steroids (that you can't live forever on) and then went to the best doctors. Finally, one said the only thing they hadn't tried yet was Chinese medicine. Before they went that route he agreed to try ESPANA and showed me his hands tonight...he and his wife are thrilled....they really look healed! Yippee....another Espana Victory!"